Riders Again Demonstrate Their Respect By
Honoring The Residents Of The Veterans' Home!
"On Sunday, October 9th, the AL 142 Riders returned once again this year to the Veteran's Nursing Home in Pembroke Pines to personally present its 95 veterans with a goody bag filled with various personal hygiene items, as well as some treats. Each bag was patriotically colored by a St. Coleman's elementary class. Chairman Diane Crites and her able committee of Lady Riders are to be congratulated. "![]()

Riders' Triumphant Return!
The Riders Chapter 142 responded to the request of the residents of the Veterans Nursing Home in Pembroke Pines to make a return visit on their motorcycles! The Riders first visit was in December when their gifted holiday gift packages to the resident veterans! Due to inclement weather at the time, the Riders had to travel in "cages" (cars and trucks) to deliver their gifts to the home. Resident veterans wanted to see the "cycles," so on March 13th, the Riders "cycled" back to the Nursing Home bearing new gifts--"sweet tooth" bags assembled by always industrious members, Diane and Jill!
The nicer weather at this visit permitted the staff to bring the residents outdoors to interact with our Riders members!
Thanks, Riders, for reaching out to these most wonderful and deserving veterans!
Veterans, Thank You for Your Service!